Spinal Blood Supply

title: Spinal Anatomy tags: #FFICM notebook: 🌑-FFICM type: inprogress


Flashcard type:basic
How far down does the spinal cord go? To L1/L2
How far down does the dural sac go? To S2
What blood vessels supply the spinal cord? Anterior Spinal Artery and Two Posterior Spinal Arteries
How many anterior spinal arteries are there? One
How many posterior spinal arteries are there? Two
What does the anterior spinal artery come from? Vertebral Arteries
What do the posterior spinal arteries come from? Cerebrellar Arteries
What blood vessels supply nerve roots coming off the spinal cord? Radicular Branches
What's the name of the blood vessel that supplies most of the lower two thirds of the spinal cord? Artery of Adamkiewicz (A radicular artery)
What is the Artery of Adamkiewicz? A radicular artery that supplies a lot of the lower two thirds of the spinal cord
What blood vessel do you need to occlude to get ischaemia to the anterior central part of spinal cord? The anterior spinal artery
If you occlude the anterior spinal artery where do you get ischaemia? The anterior central part of spinal cord.
How many pairs of spinal roots are there? 31
How many pairs of cervical spinal roots are there? 8
How many pairs of thoracic spinal roots are there? 12
How many pairs of lumbar spinal roots are there? 5
How many pairs of sacral spinal roots are there? 5
How many pairs of coccygeal spinal roots are there? 1
Which part of the spinal cord does the anterior spinal artery supply? The anterior 2/3s
Which part of the spinal cord do the posterior spinal arteries supply? The posterior third (posterior columns)