title: Post Cardiac Surgery tags: notebook: ð-FFICM
Anaesthesia for Cardiac Surgery
- Premedication
- Diazepam Plus Morphine
- Lorazepam Plus Fentanyl
- GTN, Nitrate, Clonidine
- Monitor
- SpO2
- Art Line
- PA Catheter/CVC
- temperature
- IV cannulae
- Maybe
- Oesophageal Manometry
- PA Catheter
- Cerebral Function
- Bedside
- ABG including electrolytes
- Induction
- Fentanyl 10-30 micro/kg
- Pancuronium 0.1mg/kg
- Propofol as little as possible
- Additionally
- Antibiotics
- Magnesium
- Heparin
- Pressors/Vasodilators
- Fast Track
- Propofol
- Isofluorane
- Fentanyl
- Normothermia 1
Valve Disease and Cardiac Surgery
Mitral Stenosis
- Diagnosed by valve area
- Normal 4-6cm2
- Mild 1.5-2.5cm2
- Mod 1-1.5cm2
- Severe 1cm2
- Manage by maximising left atrium pressure 1
Mitral Regurgitation
- Diagnosed by regurgitation fraction
- Severe >0.6
- Manage by reducing SVR 1
Aortic Regurgitation
- Diagnosed by regurgitation volume
- Mild 1-3L/min
- Mod 3-5L/min
- Severe >6L/min
- Manage by reducing SVR 1
Aortic Stenosis
- Diagnosed by valve area
- Severe <1cm2
- Also diagnosed by pressure gradient 1
- Manage by reducing pressure gradient
- Vasoconstrict
- Beta blockers
- Myocardial depressants
- Maintain preload 1
Pericardial Tamponade Post Bypass Surgery
Tamponade post surgery needs emergency simultaneous diagnosis and managment (with surgeons) 1
Clinical Features
- Decreased Cardiac Output
- Hypotension, Narrow Pulse Pressure
- High Filling Pressures (PAOP, CVP)
- Failed Mediastinal Drainage
- Looks like large initial drainage followed by clots 1
Surgical Intervention - Remove Clot from Pericardium (in theatre if there's time) 1
- Prepare for reanaesthetising
- Check anaesthetic machine
- Pressor/dilator drugs
- Heparin for Bypass
- Blood Bank
- Haemodynamic support with inotropes, fluids, pacing
- Monitor
- Invasive monitoring
- Induction
- Fentanyl (10-20micro/kg)
- Pancuronium, Sux, Rocuronium
- Small dose thiopentone or ketamine
- Maintenance
- Watch for complications (arrhythmias)
- May need Bypass
- Don't extubate for ICU 1
Going on/off cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Before
- Anticoagulation
- Heparin (300-400 units/kg)
- Target ACT > 300
- Haemodynamics
- Systolic < 100
- Monitor ECG
- Ventilation
- Monitor compliance
- Monitor ABG
- Confirm anaesthesia/paralysis
- Confirm circuit connected, no bubbles, clamps off
- Stop IV fluids
- At Beginning
- Check flows/Pressures
- Check oxygen of aortic Blood
- Stop ventilation when arrested
- Continue monitoring
- During Rest
- Continue anticoag (ACT >400s)
- Monitor circuit for fibrin
- Monitor ABGs
- Monitor MAP 40-90, PAP < 15, CVP <0
- Monitor temperature
- Monitor EEG/Facial Oedema
- Urine output >1ml/kg/hr
- Make sure pump is working
- Coming off
- Rewarm
- Make sure neuro unresponsive
- Adaquate coag, normal ABG/pH/electrolytes
- Vasodilate
- Defib available
- Make sure suitable rhythm and MAP before coming off
- Fill, vasodilate, check CVP and PAOP
- Reinflate lungs
- Vent any arterial air
- After off
- Protamine for coag
- Fix any coagulopathy
- Manage Haemodynamics
- Maintain anaesthesia
- Prepare for ICU 1
Post Bypass Bleeding
Post bypass patients have multiple possible causes of impaired haemostasis, bleeding can be severe and emergency 1
- Exclude tamponade and acute bleeding
- Target haemodynamic stability 1
Assessment 1
- History
- inc drugs
- operation details
- Examination
- Find source of bleeding
- Find magnitude of bleeding
- Tests
- coag
- DIC screen
- TEG/Rotem 1