title: Bronchiolitis tags: #FFICM notebook: ð-FFICM type: anki
source: [[acute-respiratory-failure-in-children]] category: [[paediatrics]]
Most common resp failure cause after the neonatal period.
Is infection and inflammations in bronchioles, causing obstructive lung disease.
Caused by:
- Human Metapneumovirus
Generally infants treated with HFNC
Some need ventilated (generally if they are apneoac, or have other risk facters)
You can have bacterial superinfection (~1/5 of those who need ventilated)
Should you give steroids/adrenaline/nebs/hypertonic saline? People do but none have evidence too them.
Flashcard | type:basic |
What bug causes bronchiolitis? | RSV |
What's the most common cause of paediatric respiratory failure? | Bronchiolitis |
How can RSV cause respiratory failure in kids? | Bronchiolitis |