Acute Liver Failure

title: Liver Failure tags: #FFICM notebook: 🌑-FFICM type: inprogress

source: [[mcqs-and-sbas-in-intensive-care-medicine-oxford-higher-special-training]]

Flashcard type:basic
Hyperacute liver failure onset is jaundice to encephalopathy in what time scale? Less than 1 week
Acute liver failure onset is jaundice to encephalopathy in what time scale? Between a week to a month
Subacute liver failure onset is jaundice to encephalopathy in what time scale? Longer than a month
What do you measure the timescale of when determining the category of Acute Liver Failure? Time between onset of jaundice and onset of encephalopathy
The timescale of acute liver failure can be categorised into: Hyperacute, Acute, and Subacute
If in liver failure, you go from jaundice onset to encephalopathy in less than a week, what category of liver failure is that? Hyperacute
If in liver failure, you go from jaundice onset to encephalopathy in less than a month but more than a week, what category of liver failure is that? Acute
If in liver failure, you go from jaundice onset to encephalopathy in more than a month, what category of liver failure is that? Subacute
Should you give prophylactic antibiotics in acute liver failure? Yes
Should you give prophylactic antifungals in acute liver failure? Yes
Should you give prophylactic gut decontamination in acute liver failure encephalopathy? No
Should you give prophylactic lactulose in acute liver failure encephalopathy? No
Can you use lactate to prognosticate mortality in liver failure from paracetamol? Yes
Should you anticoagulate for RRT with citrate or heparin in Acute Liver Failure? Citrate
In Acute Liver Failure, what is the risk of anticoagulating for RRT with citrate? Hypocalcaemia
What is the incidence of AKI needing RRT when the patient already has Acute Liver Failure? Around three quarters